Blount Plumbers and Supplies has been providing quality plumbing parts and supplies to the Pompano Beach area for over 25 years! When people in this part of greater Broward County think of plumbing supplies, they undoubtedly think of Blount Plumbing. Family owned and operated businesses are the lifeblood of any community. And if you need a plumber in Pompano, look no further. Our Plumbers live and work here, so they care about the neighbors they serve.
According to the Small Business Review - - "A family-owned business in which the family remains involved in management will outperform a company with diverse ownership and salaried management.
Several traits emerge as advantages for family-controlled firms: Families have a longer time horizon than other investors, because they are building wealth to pass on to succeeding generations. Family-owned firms are more stable; they’re less likely to make radical cutbacks in a recession. They tend to have a high level of trust and commitment—both to employees and to customers—because how the company behaves reflects the family’s personal integrity." So if you are lookiing for a plumber so supplies in the Pompano Beach area-we home you select our family to serve yours!